"The 2-Belo" <the2belo@msd.bigREMOVETHISlobe.ne.jp> wrote in message 
> We have a report from the fj.life.in-japan Dynamics Officer that Medgya 
> has
> exploded. Flight director confirms that:
>>On Jun 28, 3:10 pm, pellicleund...@hotmail.com (obakesan) wrote:
>>> its best to avoid Akasaka at closing time on the way home I found .. 
>>> seems to
>>> be more of that there than in Aoyama or Kamiyacho
>>Akasaka isn't nearly as sleazy as it once was. In fact, neither is
>>Roppongi. It's like the sleaze factor builds up in a place until it
>>reaches critical mass, then the police politely suggest to the powers
>>that be that the business move elsewhere, so the whole cycle begins
>>again somewhere else. Of course, after a while it undoubtedly returns,
>>like some big wave that sloshes around Tokyo. I wonder if there's a
> Maybe there's a big Yamanote Line for sleaze and it just goes around and 
> around
> the metro area. What station is it at now?
> (Actually, I see a well-developed branch near Kawasaki Station quite 
> often; down
> the back alleys there they have Chinese women quite openly advtertising
> handjobs.)
No that is baseball hand signaling.
They are telling you how to ride the wave to the next station.
> -- 
> The 2-Belo      [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
> alt.flame  alt.fan.karl-malden.nose  alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk
> meowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeowmeow
> "I kept hearing this 'untz... untz... untz... untz...' sound in the
> background of all the music. Fun time, though; lots of young kids with
> dilated pupils." -- Bob Dylan, after a visit to a rave party