John Yamamoto-Wilson wrote:

> This may seem complicated if your command of Japanese is limited, but just
> grit your teeth and tell yourself it's all pretty civilised compared with
> what you get on the main Amazon site, where you can search for English books
> or Spanish books, although a search for books in French does actually turn
> up titles by people like Moliaere (sic). But Japanese books? Chinese? No
> way, Pedro!
> --
> John
  I've never had a problem ordering books from, but I did 
have a problem with a VHS tape - I was after a Pinky and the Brain tape, 
which had listed, and I duly ordered. However, the item 
which arrived turned out to be dubbed into Spanish - I didn't have to 
open it to find out, since even with my non-existant command of Spanish, 
I was able to figure out where it said "Dubbed into Spanish".

Rechecking the listing on their website found that the item had (SP) 
after the title, which I assume was supposed to mean Spanish. But in the 
Japanese description it actually said it was in English. So I fired off 
an email to, they admitted the mistake, and asked me to 
return it for a refund. And that was that. Never did get around to 
re-ordering the English Pinky and the Brain though..
