Re: PM tries to reassure frightened Aborigines
"faxa" <> wrote in message news:46822de6$0$14905$
> "Mick" <> wrote in message
> news:9Qpgi.397$
>> Let me guess, he jumped up and down waving his hands in the air yelling
>> boogaloogaloo
>> Then I can see his next comment, noddy's after ya.
>> Next I foresee Peter Garett doing a live set from parliament house, the
>> first, and last, track being "redneck wonderland."
>> Ok enough dream time for me, oh wait I just remembered we have declared
>> war on our own citizens, life will never be the same.
>> The aboriginals are just pawns in Howard's little games.
>> I can see this election as being the "referendum" for bringing the army in
>> on Australian citizens.
> Yeah, let's just let the booze soaked elders follow their culture and
> sodomize 3 year old children.
> And that wonderful cultural tradition of belting women senseless.
> I'm with you. Let's preserve those wonderful traditions.
1. Killing seven or more men in Australia every day by Police/Lawyers/ex-wife is more civilised?
2. Why all convicted peadophiles in Australia have British name?
3. Collecting billions for breast cancer and having NO medication paid by PBS or Medicare is more civilised?
4. Achieving more than 50% of fatherless children in Australia in the last 20 years is more civilised?
5. Let's preserve:
a) No Human Rights Bill in Australia.
b) No representation of voters in Parliament and Senate by mayor parties.
c) No freedomn od speech laws.
d) Only 5 TV stations - all controlled by one NOT-Australian citizen.
e) Plunder and killing of other countries citizens by Australian Army.
f) Murdering of ABO's by Police continuation.
g) The highest taxes in the world.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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