On Fri, 30 May 2003 10:34:06 +0900, Declan Murphy
<declan_murphy@hotmail.com> gasped and wheezed:

>John Yamamoto-Wilson wrote:
>> Declan Murphy wrote:
>>>>>The other problem is no fermentation, no alcohol.
>> Bryan Parker replied:
>>>>Have you failed to overcome the solution to that
>> Apparently feeling that this was too obscure he then clarified it as
>> follows:
>>>In other words, if the fermentation thing is next
>>>week's last week:s or next week's last week
>>>trouble this week, where would we put these last
>>>few weeks of last week's problems that are
>>>practically guaranteed to pop up again next week?
>> Bryan, have you been drinking?
>Probably not, as Brett suggested. Its my fault you see - I owe Bryan a 
>few bottles of the good stuff, goes down well with an omelette, but due 
>to temperature control problems in my apartment's brewery room I've 
>utterly failed to deliver.

You seem to suffer temperature control problems quite a bit. Didn't
you recently lose a goldfish due to temperature control problems?

>Hence he has driven to drinking methylated spirit or paint thinner or 
>something, no doubt with a dash of blue curacao, slice of lime and a 
>paper umbrella for decoration.

You say that like it's a bad thing.


Michael Cash

"I used to have a dog named Michael Cash."

                                Prof. Ernest T. Bass
                                Mount Pilot College
