Op donderdag 30 april 2009 02:58:36 UTC+2 schreef Rita B. Flesh:
> I'm a cannibal woman and I want to eat Emma Bunton.
> I will kill her, then I will butcher her body and then
> I will cook and eat her fine flesh.
> She will be delicious!!!
> I will eat her very soon!!!
> Yummy!!!

Hello ita, Your Pantyhose Cannibal, have checked out Emma Bunton on Google pictures.
Yes understand your delicious taste, she is fucking good looking.
Her legs are looking endless and her taste looking feet are delicious. 
Have a question, would you invite me for dinner to eat Emma?
Afterwards we can have hiddious seks and erotic pleasure, or you can eat me too.
Your pantyhose Cannibal, Mij.