"Greg Neill" <gneillREM@OVE.netcom.ca> wrote in message news:<K1iKb.82266$by2.957284@wagner.videotron.net>...
> "Cecil Moore" <Cecil.A.Moore@ieee.ONEDOT.org> wrote in message
> news:3ff9a983_5@corp.newsgroups.com...
> > Greg Neill wrote:
> > > Einstein's equations are wholly compatible with Maxwell's.
> >
> > Are Maxwell's equations compatible with virtual photons?
> Maxwell's equations comprise a classical theory.
> Virtual photons are part of a quantum theory.
> Maxwell's equations do not specify the composition or
> mechanism of the underlying electromagnetic field, but
> describe the field's properties and behavior in the
> classical limit.

Sorry, Greg, photon conception and classical EM field theory work with
the same phenomena - EM waves propagation in space. They are truly
incompatible, so it is not worthy to squeeze photons where the wave
physics works fine. Indeed, Maxwell's theory does not specify the
mechanism of considered EM field, but only meanwhile. Whilst you
dogmatize Maxwellian equations, new study develops full speed; you
don't want to notice it - this is only your difficulty. By the way,
when Maxwell developed his theory, colleagues also tried "to do not
understand" him. ;-) But this what has been built on the rigorous
system of proof will carve its way, like it or not such dogmatists
like Franz. Well, he swears; what then? Then is emptiness, he has not
what to say further. You seemingly haven't, too. Do I understand you
correct? You have nothing to say except repeating "this cannot be
correct, as it doesn't satisfy Maxwell's system". In that number, you
didn't understand: my derivation in respond to Leo is based on
standard equations of field theory - and the result concludes not the
thing that followed from Maxwell's equations. This is more complicated
than "photon left, photon right"... ;-)
