Re: New Year question from Leo
"Franz Heymann" <> wrote in message news:<btbcc0$qri$>...
> "Sergey Karavashkin" <> wrote in message
> [snip
> . This theorem is
> > incompatible with the current system of Maxwell equations.
> Then you are a crackpot.
> Franz
Franz, remember, you already removed your posts from threads. Would
you like to do so again? Right, our theorems are incompatible with
Maxwell system. But they work, you see it. First answer my old
questions about photons, then conclude. In the nearest future you will
take pleasure seeing how new system of EM field equations raises on
its own feet, like you it or not. Calculate the near field correctly,
taking into account the variation of propagation velocity in this
region. ;-) Can you?
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