(Edward Green) wrote in message news:<>...
> (Sergey Karavashkin) wrote in message news:<>...
> > (Sergey Karavashkin) wrote in message news:<>...
> > > Dear colleagues,
> > > 
> > > Recently I received the following message and sent the following
> > > respond on my divergence theorem in dynamic fields,
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > It might be of your great interest. Please read it with formulas and
> > > figure at
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > What is your opinion?
> > > 
> > > Thank you,
> > > 
> > > Sergey
> > 
> > 
> > Well, colleagues. More than 200 of you have read this material, and no
> > one replied? Fine statistics!
> Does that mean a like number were subjected to the pop-up ad?

Edward, this is additional information for you. Our counter in
December showed the following:

31.12.2003  6 
30.12.2003      5
29.12.2003  35
28.12.2003  9
27.12.2003  6
26.12.2003  3
25.12.2003  9
24.12.2003  129
23.12.2003      12   uploaded New Year question by Leo
22.12.2003  14
21.12.2003  2
20.12.2003  2
19.12.2003  37   uploaded our respond to Harald van Lintel (3)
18.12.2003  44
17.12.2003  35
16.12.2003  40
15.12.2003  19
14.12.2003  11   uploaded our respond to Harald van Lintel (2)
13.12.2003  9
12.12.2003  52
11.12.2003      63   uploaded Russian version of paper on Red shift
10.12.2003  32
09.12.2003  10   uploaded our respond to Harald van Lintel on this
paper (1)
08.12.2003  26
07.12.2003  27
06.12.2003      68
05.12.2003  1    uploaded our respond to Bob Brown's questions on this
04.12.2003  11
03.12.2003  20
02.12.2003  8    uploaded the paper on Induction
01.12.2003  11
23.11.2003        uploaded the first part of chapter 2  on stars

Totally 756 visitors in December, including 202 after we published
this "New Year question from Leo", and
08.01.2004   2
07.01.2004   1
06.01.2004   23
05.01.2004    70
04.01.2004   40
01.01.2004    2

Totally: 138

 in January. True, the counter which Angelfire provides is really ill
and we use another counter, not seen there. Now judge yourself, did I
say truth or not.

Kind regards,
