Jean-Marc Desperrier <> wrote in message news:<bvbl5r$lvi$>...
> wasabi wrote:
> >>Koizumi (with a *huge* smile) : Thank you so much ! I was *so* worried 
> >>of the bad consequences for me if any of the SDF member in Iraq would be 
> >>hurt ! How much do you want ?
> > 
> > How much would you pay for your life if you're country put you in
> > harms way just to support the worst fucking U.S. president?
> I'd pay a lot.
> But we're talking about Koizumi here.
> He could have said no to Bush, and that would have insured no japanese 
> force would be injured in Irak.
> But he says yes, looks like lackey, gets a few japanese angry about 
> that,

Not just a few.  After the recent death of the two diplomats, most
people polled have been against sending the forces to Iraq.

 then realizes if any of the soldiers gets hurt, people will think 
> again and there will be a lot more angry people, so he pays big bucks to 
> avoid that, the ridiculous part of paying to get soldiers protected not 
> being his worry at all.

Japanese are very practical.  Being ridiculous is not a problem if it
achieves the objective.  However, Koizumi must be worried about
spending so much.  The Japanese budget deficit is worse that the
U.S.'s in terms of relative GDP.  The govt spends about 40 trillion
yen more than it collects in taxes per year.  However, sending the
troops to Iraq may just be part of a long range plan for the LDP to
build up the military and get the military-industrial complex running
again.  It would kinda explains Koizumi's stupid insistence on
visiting that shrine every year.