"necoandjeff" <spam@schrepfer.com> wrote in message
> "Musashi" <Miyamoto@Hosokawa.co.jp> wrote in message
> news:Ewi1d.15968$ZC7.3364@newssvr19.news.prodigy.com...
> > Jeff, would you mind asking your wife what the difference is between
> > a 東洋人 and an アジア人?
> >
> > ムサシ
> I asked her and she said she considers them to be the same. And I don't
> think she's terribly far from the mark here either. I note the following
> from 大辞林:
> とうよう ―やう 1 【東洋】ユーラシア大陸の東部の地域。アジアの地方。特に
> ジアの東部および南部、すなわち中国・朝鮮・日本・インド・ミャンマー[sic]・
> イ・インドネシアなどの地域をいう。
> Jeff

Thanks very much Jeff. It's interesting that your wife and I define 東洋人 
The definition above supports your wife's definition to the extent that it
has a wider range for
東洋 than I would have guessed. On the other hand, clearly the "eastern"
part of
the Eurasian continent is mentioned, which certainly would exclude places
as Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. These areas in English would be considered
"Asia" and
people from there, "Asians".
