B Robson <front@00-love.jp> dixit:
>CL wrote:
>> Many years ago, when I worked for a major motorcycle manufacturer, I
>> needed dollars and stopped off at the branch of Union Bank closest to
>> the US headquarters of my employer.  

>While I sympathise, imagine trying to get rid of Austrian Schillings
>when they had just changed to plastic and word hadn't filtered out to
>remote areas like Tokyo.

Here in Oz changing any forn currency apart from USD, NZD and GBP
is well-nigh impossible at smaller bank branches. They all either
send you to the central city branch, or take the money and you have 
to wait for it to be cleared centrally.

I'd never attempt to try and change some Yen locally.

Jim Breen        http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/
Clayton School of Information Technology,
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia 