Drinian wrote in message
>Poking around Ain't it Cool News today I found this link:
>The relevant info from Fanime Con 03 is at the bottom of the page. I
>will quote:
>The live action Evangelion movie has a budget of 100 million. As many
>of you know, Weta, the art and special effect folks behind LOTR, is
>involved as well. According to Matt, "If they do half of what they've
>sketched, it will be the most amazing sci-fi movie you'll ever see."
>The movie will be shot partially on location in New Zealand and will
>feature an international cast. The movie will not be a prequel or
>sequel, but a new retelling of the story in a feature format.
>On a related note, the folks from Gainax were very tight-lipped about
>the movie, dodging the questions or suggesting we talk to ADV. They
>did, however, bring and show some proofs for the big Gainax spread
>that's coming out in the July Newtype-USA. Apparently, a lot of
>information about the movie will be revealed in the articles and they
>didn't want to give anything away.
>Update: 6/27/03
>The July Newtype-USA is out and it does contain a set of articles
>about Gainax. However, most of the articles are discussions with key
>Gainax personel and the history of Gainax, and they are an interesting
>read on their own. What's not there is any sort of information about
>the movie that's not already covered by press releases. In fact you'll
>know more about the movie after reading this article than you will
>from reading Newtype-USA. What they do have is several images for
>various movie bits that Weta has drawn up. That's cool. As a side
>note, the Newtype-USA cover was *not* run in Japan (usually, we get
>the Japanese covers a month later) and is fact one of the original
>images Gainax did when they were shopping the Evangelion idea around.
>100 MILLION!!! Mind that Lord of the Rings' bugdet was somewhere
>around $350 million, and that the average Star Trek movie (which would
>have more similar costuming and special effects requirements) is about
>$50 million. This could be good.
>-- Drinian

Just a hype for something that's gonna bomb