"Rachael Sandefer" <sandefer_WHAT_TO_REMOVE_@sonic.net> wrote in message 
> On Sun, 06 Nov 2005 01:24:48 -0800, mr.sumo.snr <llanelli14@yahoo.com> 
> wrote:
> <snip>
>> Yes, the PDA market in Japan has shriveled up and basically died.
>> Everything that the locals wanted to do with PDAs can be accomplished on
>> their mobile telephones now.
> <snip>
>> But just this summer coming home after the  most
>> recent FJLIJ gathering I had to search long and hard to find a small PDA
>> counter on the third floor in the far corner of the same store.
> That was the hypothesis. Glad there is some explanation. :) Of course, it 
> means I really don't have many options. :(
> Guess I might just look into denshi jishos too since I at least have more 
> options there...

If you need and want kanji character readings then the Canon Wordtank range 
is the only option.  None of the others - so far - offer the English to 
Japanese to furigana 'jump' option that Canon always includes.  Why not is a 
mystery because I find even my high school students use that particular 
feature to look up the reading of (from their perspective) obscure kanji 
characters.  And of course those of my high school students who also studied 
with me in junior high all have Wordtank models since that's what I bought 
them as a JHS graduation gift!

BTW if you should want to go for a Japanese Pocket PC 2003 PDA - used - I'm 
more than happy to look out for one on the auction sites for a nominal fee. 
I can also supply a plethora of English pocket pc software (strictly for 
evaluation purposes :) which all work just fine on the Japanese language 
models.  I also deal with new electronic dictionaries.  You're welcome to 
mail me at salesATjonasan.biz  There are about half a dozen FJLIJ members 
who'll testify I'm on the on the up-and-up - if I offer to pay off their 
pachinko debts...
