Being synced while the EVA is disactivated wouldn't have caused the pain
asuka was feeling...
My best guess is that the connection with the EVA was made somewhat
permanent. Remember when Asuka extends her AT field to block the Lance? the
AT field was an extension of her own soul, and that was most probably
reinforced by her mother's soul which was in the EVA. The lance most likely
caused a "joining" of the two souls, causing Asuka to feel directly the pain
that her mother was feeling. Even when the Lance would be removed, the
pilot's and EVA's soul would be in a way wounded, causing pain and feelings
to spill over between each other. So instead of feeling pain through a
physical connection with the EVA (that is through the entry plug), she would
be spiritually connected to the EVA.

The Berserk mode of EVA-02 would probably be explained by the joining of
forces between the soul the pilot and the soul of the EVA.

While the Berserk mode of EVA-2 would probably be explained in the inherent
hatred of the enemy (Angels) that is nurtured in Shinji. Most likely, these
feelings were joined with Yui's soul and private agenda of letting humanity
survive at all costs. Basing on the Idea that we are the Lilims, and that in
the Kaballistic teachings showing that anger and hatred are the base of our
being and instinct, Yui would have to just let go and channel these feelings
through the EVA, thus angel parts thrown around the geo front...

"James M" <> wrote in message
> >
> > The Eva series then proceed to disembowel Unit-02, which is now
> > powerless, yet Asuka *still* clearly feels this!
> >
> >
> >
> > Can anyone come up with an explanation for these differences?
> >
> The beserker thoery would be my choice. The easy anwer would be drama!
>     For Auska to stop suffering at the power down would'nt be as dramatic.
>     Also its dramatic for Shingi to stop feeling with the shut down as it
> contasts/ hightens the loss of control he'd be expericing  when the dummy
> plug takes over.