"John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.com> wrote in news:1095787539.206479.253500

> Paul Blay wrote:
>> "John W." wrote ...
>> > From Mainichi online
>> > http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/news/20040921p2a00m0dm006000c.html
>> >
>> > "Over 40 percent of elementary school children in Japan think the
> sun
>> > revolves around the earth, a shocking survey conducted by officials
> at
>> > the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan has found."
>> What's the US percentage up to?
> 99% of US students think the universe revolves around them.
> John W.

Post of the month.

He was here before Christ, before civilisation. He was king here! 
Rawhead, that's what they called him! RAWHEAD! Get upstairs, fuckface - I 
can't keep god waiting!
-Father Declan O'Brien, Clive Barker's Rawhead Rex

I have created an empire out of greasy burgers and flat soft drinks. And 
you are just...what's the word?  Ahhh yes! A "Sucka"!
- Ronald McDonald speaking to Mr. T