zatoichi@zatoichi.zatoichi (Zatoichi) wrote in news:3e2d1c67.1265234

> On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 23:01:38 +0800, "Narf" <> wrote:
>>gee.. do they come with 'extras'?
>>no holes? lol
> My mind is forever scarred.. Why do they have (C) Gainax on them, are
> these official products? I'm curious as to how these are supposed to
> 'move' heh..
> If I actually had one of these things in my house, it would give me
> nightmares. Like some kind of fucked up twilight zone episode.

Actually, at the risk of being labeled, I wouldn't mind having an Auska,( 
and a Rei for that mater), but not for those kind of prices. 
And for those of you mentioning Auska's attitude, remember this would be 
the perfect chance to tell her off face to face without any consequences.
Maybe other than being hauled off to the funny farm for yelling at a doll. 
