Answering my own question...

where I also found the following...

Two guys were in a dojo when a mad dog came flying in and attacked the 
smaller guy. The larger guy grabbed a belt and strangled the dog. A news 
reporter standing by said, "You're a hero!" He wrote in his notebook the 
heading "Judo Hero Saves Friend from Savage Dog!"

The guy saw the note and said "I am not a Judo player."

"OK," replied the reporter and he wrote down "Ju Jitsu Hero Saves Friend 
from Savage Dog!"

The guy replied, "Sorry, but I do Karate."

"OK," said the reporter, then wrote down "Savage Kills Family Pet!!"

Techie <> wrote in

> Does anyone here know if there is a web site with the techniques
> posted, as on those charts often found in Dojo's?
>     TIA (Thanks In Advance that is...)