Ernest Schaal wrote:

> in article, Ernest Schaal at
> wrote on 5/17/04 7:45 AM:
>>in article edRpc.78977$, Kevin Wayne Williams
>>at kww.nihongo@verizon.nut wrote on 5/17/04 6:40 AM:
>>>Ernest Schaal wrote:
>>>>Personally, I find the main character of the current serial to be really
>>>>annoying. No wonder her "intended" loves someone else. She is so wimpy and
>>>>does everything her parents, grandparents tell her without thinking.
>>>The cheerleading, the constant teariness, the physical appearance of an
>>>11-year-old child, everything ... not since "Sakura" has there been such
>>>a thoroughly grating lead.
>>I would have to respectfully disagree. Tenka beats out Sakura for the
>>grating lead nomination. Sure, Sakura was annoyingly always perky and her
>>Japanese skills far exceeded those of your average sansei from Hawaii, but
>>at least she had an independent will. Tenka is Super Wimp!
> I should have said Super spoiled wimp, because she is not only wimpy, she is
> spoiled rotten.
What do you think we are disagreeing about? The heroines of Manten, 
Teruteru Kazoku, and Kokoro were all much more likable. Sakura was 
grating, Tenka more so.