"bitter anko" <kaz762@hotmail.com> wrote in message 
> On 6 13 ,   2:34, "JohnK" <D...@Duh.com> wrote:
>> "bitter anko" <kaz...@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:1181665477.172592.235310@d30g2000prg.googlegroups.com...
>> > Warren Lichtenstein of the U.S. hedge fund Steel Partners declared
>> > today that he's going to EDUCATE the japs, just like his brother F.
>> > Rosenvelt ("Roosevelt" in English) declared with W. Churchill in 1944.
>> >http://www.fnn-news.com/windowsmedia/sn2007061211_300.asx
>> >http://www.just-food.com/article.aspx?id=98773
>> >http://www.abcmoney.co.uk/news/12200786356.htm
>> >http://www.reuters.com/article/mergersNews/idUST13950820070612
>> > What does "EDUCATE" mean? Another A-Bomb?
>> If you read the articles they are talking about a hostile takeover bid. 
>> This
>> concerns business matters and has nothiung to do with weapons whatsoever,
>> conventional or nuclear.
>> Perhaps you should read them beore you post them.
> Ok, then we don't have to attack Pearl Harbor this time.

That's correct, you don't have to attack Pearl Harbor. Although you appear 
be living in the 1930-40s, the days of using military actions, invasions, 
occupations, annexations,
what have you to support economic growth or well being, including securing 
natural resources
is over for all countries.( Admittedly there are some morons who think that 
our invasion of Iraq
is for oil but what I pay for a gallon of gasoline is ample evidence that 
they have no idea what they
are talking about).
70-80 years ago this was not the case, colonialism, gunboat diplomacy all 
were still valid foreign
policy tools. Had Japan not rejected our desire to participate in the 
economic development of
Manchuria by failing to uphold the Katsura-Harriman Agreement, then all the 
events which
followed subsequently, and leading up to your Pearl Harbor may not have ever 
So I hope you can accept the fact that this is the 21st century and the 
rules of the game have changed.