Hi all, ive just started an RPG site. installed on the vbulletin forums is a
rpg hack called


New users can create and fully customize a character with -

Weapons + Armour (which are upgradable)


Summons monsters

Limit break moves

Equip your character and battle the other members or the artificial
intellegence bots in real time to the death!

Also you can participate in other tournements or competetions!

To buy the items you need gil, which you can earn in the following ways -

Stealing from other members!

Winning battles with the AI bots or other members


Bank interest

Jobs (theres currently around 15 installed)

or posting in the forums.

Theres many more features fbut a few include a healing centre , auction room
(where you can auction your items to the highest bidder)

synthesis shop for weapon and item upgrades, clans where you can join or
start your own!

Aswell as the rpg sections of the forums theres also other things like and
arcade room where you can play games,

film reviews, jokes, downloads, links and more stuff beng added all the

All new members are very welcome and it doesnt cost anything :)

Best Regards
