Dear Raymond Yohros:

"Raymond Yohros" <> wrote in message
> Uncle Al wrote:
>> Raymond Yohros wrote:
>> >
>> > is There any hope on detecting gravitons?
>> Why would you beleive they exist?
>>  Spin-2 gravitons have problems  (so does the proposal)
>> > is LISA going to be ready in 2011 and
>> > how is the scientific community feeling
>> > about this proyect?
> Thank you Uncle Al for those great links.
> i'm still tring to understand the document but my
> knoledge level on the details it's too limited.
> how can a force exist without a carrier particle?

Gravitation in not a force.  Spacetime does not exist at the quantum level, 
so a "carrier particle" is not really required, if you think about it. 
Spacetime is an "illusion of the population", a behavior of the system, and 
not of any individual member.  How this illusion comes about, is where all 
the fun is.

David A. Smith