Dear Jeff Relf:

"Jeff Relf" <Me@Privacy.NET> wrote in message
> Hi N:dlzc D:aol T:com (dlzc),
> Do you agree with Double-A's statement:
> " If Outlook can't find the original post in your thread,
>   because it's been already deleted,
>   it won't display any of the posts in that thread,
>   not even the current day's posts. "  ?
> That doesn't sound right to me at all.

If the text had been edited out, that is one thing.  If Outlook has trashed
his "pointer" or his local archives that is another.  We are talking about
Outlook, after all.  It is possible that his local files are muxed.

I'd recommend he unsubscribe, then resubscribe to the particular newsgroups
he is having problems with.  Make sure he processes all the messages that
are current first, so that he doesn't miss them.  Then "catch up".  He
should be able to search then.

I also right click on each newsgroup, click properties, and "Compact" them
periodically.  He may be getting short on hard disk space...

David A. Smith