You can certainly use a credit card when you shop, and you can easily get 
cash from ATM machines.  If you are converting currency at the hotel, for 
some reason you get a better rate if you use travelers checks.  However, I 
don't bring much cash anymore, I rely on credit cards and ATMs.

"HappyDutch" <nomail@really.not> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I'm going to Japan fairly soon and some people are recommending to get
> traveller's cheques.
> I find it hard to believe that you cannot use a debit card with Japanese
> ATM's (the one I have works in the U.S., Europe and Taiwan as well).
> If a debit card doesn't work, you can surely pay with credit card when you
> shop, right? I have a Visa card.
> Any recommendations?
> Thanks!
> HD