Re: Canon PowerShot Pro1
There were many threads on the Minolta forum about the 8 mpixel digicams
reviewed by Dpreview.
It seems that the A2 got a bum wrap in this review. It is probably the
most prosumer oriented 8mpixel digicam available. Great EVF, quick
shooting speed (including RAW), useable Anti-Shake.
I'm an A1 shooter, and aside from the lower pixel count, I can attest
that Minolta has a winner in the Axx series Dimage cameras.
tuco wrote:
> Hi
> I'm quite new at digital photography.
> Until few weeks ago I used a canon powershot A10, so a very simple
> camera and a SRL from which I used to scan after.
> I bought a powershot pro1 but I don't feel easy using it.
> I'm not dissatisfied with the pitcure I take, but there is something
> missing.
> Also it seems that, in composing the image, with the shutter button half
> press, the images freeze on the viewfinder/LCD monitor until all the
> reading are done.
> Is it normal?
> Could some of you help me? I read the reviews on dpreviews after I
> bought the camera. (shame on me)
> Thanks
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