Dear readers,

I would like to tell you about Eagle Brand.

I am known with Eagle Brand for around 20 years now. I've got to know it
when I lived in Singapore, and am very happy I did so.
It is a little like Tiger Balsum, only many many times stronger. Its the
strongest oils in it's kind I've ever encountered.

It contains many active oils, like Menthol oil and eucalyptus oil, but then
extreme strong.
The reason I feel I have to tell you about it, is because I have the feeling
that commercial pharmacy is ignoring this product.
It is for sale in most of Asia and at the fully Chinese (food) stores in
Chinatowns across the world, but weird enough nowhere to be found in
"Western"-stores. Even when I tell a Pharmasist about it, three weeks later
I ask him again and he has never heard of it (Alzheimer's among Dutch
Also on the net it's difficult to find, though I found it at There you can find more information about it also.

Personally I use it for many things. When I got muscle pains, anywhere on my
body, I use it frequently. A small massage always brings me quickly to
higher places.
Also when I have headaches, feel stressed or can't sleep, I rub it in as
good as I can.
It also works great against the cold and flue and it disinfects like a
A great surprise is also when I drip a few drops on the floor when
showering. My shower then changes into a Norwegian Sauna.

Also I use it on my three year old daughter. I am careful with it, as it is
a powerful product. To help her sleep, and so let me sleep, before bed time
I rub some oil on her chest and when she has a cold also a little on her
forehead. Also, in wintertime, I drop a few drops into a can of boiling hot
water and put that can in her bedroom. The vapors help her sleep also.
Also, and this I learned from my mom, when they get their first tooth's, rub
a small amount of these oils on the painful spot, and they quickly forget
the pain in their mouths.
Result, a happy daughter that grabs life with both arms and really enlights
my own life. I love her so much!

Finally another big advantage is I have no complaining friends. Every time
they complain about pains and aches, I force Eagle Brand upon them.
Often it's a revelation of living ache free life's.

For me It's the best thing I ever discovered, besides my hubby, even though
it's a natural product, I can now work 30 hour days, sleep like a charm, am
more relaxed and more friendly to my surroundings, I can concentrate better,
no more wrist and knee pains and many other advantages.

I hope you have some use of this advise and I hope pharmacies across the
world will get to know these wonderful oils.

Best regards from  Indra