Re: strange gaijin man
Kaz wrote:
> I saw a really rude gaijin in costco today. A gaijin customer was
> yelling loud to a young Japanese female clerk like "No! No! No! No!
> No! No! No! No! No!". I took a backward glance and saw a strange
> gaijin man looking really frustrated about something were blaming the
> clerk just because he wanted to put his whole thing into a bag. He
> didn't like the clerk trying to put his stuff to an used carton. The
> staff there are nice and that place is a wholesale store and not a
> retail store so an used carton is good enough for stuffing. I think he
> shouldn't have been so selfish and shouldn't have yelled her with such
> a little thing. The female clerk looked slightly embarrassed and I
> felt sorry about her.
> The gaijin man seemed he is looking down on whole young Japanese women
> as gaijin-loving freaks or something and having some attitude against
> Japanese women. Anyway it was a little offensive incident for me
> today.
> PS: A Sepponian-size hot dog with a free-refill beverage sold at there
> for just 250 yen is really a good deal. A Sepponian-size pizza for 280
> yen as well.
I learned a new phrase today: Sepponian-size!
"I'd like my order Sepponian-sized, please."
I take it one would have to say this in English for maximum ironic effect?
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