Would you like a good friend??
Good day all. I'd very much like too correspond with folks on a one to one
bases. Name's Jack. Forty years old and residing in the not so great
state of Texas! Seetbriar is my cat. I have many many interests. Reading
all sort of books both fiction and nonfiction. Westerns, mysteries,
thrillers, horror, humor, some fantasy and Sf, just on and on. If it's
well written most likely I'll read it. Also love doing creative writing.
Have written several stories which I've published myself. My goal is to
entertain rather than get rich, which all things considered is probably
just as well, as I've not found anyone silly enough to pay me for my uh
literary efforts yet. I like all animals but especially cats. Into all
sorts of music. Jazz, rock blues, metal, blue grass some country The big
bands. Only thing I really don't dig is techno and opera. But I'm working
on that LOL. I'm a musician also and think we should be as open as we can
stand to be to new influences. I worked as such for quite a few years till
I decided to take early retirement. Did a good deal of travelling in
relation to that. I'm a drummer and bass player. I also enjoy computers.
both hard ware and software and messing about with aforesaid Surfing the
net and chatting. I'm interested in hearing from anyone male or female. I
must say however right up front I'm not religious. Spiritual yes
religious NO! Though I'm single I'm not necessarily looking for Ms. right,
though if she does happen to come along I certainly won't give her the
cold shoulder! Bless her heart that'll be one special lady to put up with
me. So there I am, if you'd like to know more drop me a line at
Take care now and best wishes to you all. Jack and Seetbriar
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