On Sat, 17 Apr 2004, John Doe wrote:

> Off-topic, crosspost (cross-post), spam.

No shit? And yours serves any real purpose?

> David G. Bell <dbell@zhochaka.demon.co.uk> wrote
> > Path: newssvr16.news.prodigy.com!newscon07.news.prodigy.com!newsmst01a.news.prodigy.com!prodigy.com!news.glorb.com!border1.nntp.ash.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!opentransit.net!news-out.cwix.com!newsfeed.cwix.com!news.loxinfo.co.th!dial-12-149-117-180.orwell.net!newsrout1b-win.server.ntli.net!newspeer1-win.server.ntli.net!newsf01.ono.com!napean.nntp.kabelfoon.nl!!!!host-69-48-73-244.roc.choiceone.net.POSTED!zhochaka.demon.co.uk!dbell
> > From: David G. Bell <dbell@zhochaka.demon.co.uk>
> > Newsgroups: alt.sports.basketball.nba.det-pistons,fj.rec.sports.baseball,aus.transport,rec.sport.skating.inline,blgtn.sports
> > Subject: Call for an Impeachment Inquiry of Bush and Cheney
> > Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 21:47:48 GMT
> > Organization: Nader for President 2004 - P.O. Box 18002, Washington, DC 20036 - (202) 265-4000
> > Lines: 136
> > Approved: David G. Bell <dbell@zhochaka.demon.co.uk>
> > Message-ID: <8ec2cd38.752dc199@host-69-48-73-244.roc.choiceone.net>
> > Reply-To: campaign@votenader.org
> > NNTP-Posting-Host:
> > X-Trace: news.loxinfo.co.th 1082153333 16987 (16 Apr 2004 22:08:53 GMT)
> > X-Complaints-To: usenet@loxinfo.co.th
> > NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 22:08:53 +0000 (UTC)
> > User-Agent: Hogwasher/2.6.1 (Macintosh)
> > X-NNTP-Posting-Host: host-69-48-73-244.roc.choiceone.net
> > X-Original-Trace: 2176216618 20085 host-69-48-73-244.roc.choiceone.net (16 Apr 2004 21:47:48 GMT)
> > Xref: newsmst01a.news.prodigy.com alt.sports.basketball.nba.det-pistons:21616 fj.rec.sports.baseball:40770 rec.sport.skating.inline:96001
> >
> > Call for an Impeachment Inquiry of Bush and Cheney,
> > Get Congress to Take Action
> >
> > Sign our online Petition and read below for more information:
> >
> >    http://www.votenader.org/get_involved/impeach.php
> >
> >
> > Ok Michael, you've had your realpolitik fling with ex-General Wesley
> > Clark. Your endorsed Presidential candidate in the Democratic Primaries
> > has withdrawn. It is time for you to come home, to join your buddies and
> > resume your only genuine role which is that of defiance and resistance.
> > Compliance and assistance with the Democrats does not accord with your
> > past, your character, your bold writings and, most memorably, your long
> > corrosive assaults on the Party that betrayed the working classes and
> > plunged our country into corporate globalization. Remember, Michael,
> > you're the flinty man from Flint, Michigan. You've never forgotten your
> > roots. The heady Hollywood, Manhattan scene with the celebrities and
> > Academy Awards have never gotten to your head but rather have gotten
> > into your deserving pockets. How we all recall your standing before one
> > billion people in Los Angeles at the televised Academy Awards in 2003
> > and, breaking the customary cant of the awardees, throwing the gauntlet
> > down to George W. Bush and his "fictitious" war mongering.
> >
> > Now the War has become a quagmire, with both Republicans and Democrats
> > complicit (check the votes in Congress). The Draft may be on the way. So
> > what are you doing going on the Al Franken Show very nearly breaking
> > down when Al Gore (he of the pro NAFTA/GATT, anti-worker, regime-change,
> > Iraq-bombing, lethal sanctions on half a million children
> > Administration) called and thought you were apologizing. You have
> > nothing to apologize for, Michael. Gore has a lot to apologize
> > for-blowing the election he won in Florida and the country as a whole
> > and for blowing, with Bill Clinton, the many opportunities the
> > rich-booming Nineties and the collapse of the Soviet Union gave this
> > country to turn a peace dividend into a pro-worker, pro-environment,
> > pro-consumer and anti-poverty resurgence.
> >
> > Come back and join our Presidential campaign, Michael. Talk to those
> > "Reagan Democrats"-those 35% of union members who still vote Republican
> > and against their own interests-as only you can. Michael, if you go
> > pumping for the Democratic Party this year, just what are you going to
> > say to the unemployed steelworkers near Sparrows Point in Maryland? To
> > the megathousands of laid off textile and furniture workers in North and
> > South Carolina? To the abandoned auto workers waiting and waiting near
> > their empty factories that went to repressive countries? To the millions
> > of blue-collar workers, who fought our wars, only to learn that the two
> > parties won't fight for their company pensions and health insurance? Are
> > you going to tell them how the Democratic Party pushed through the WTO,
> > let their pensions erode or disappear, were too busy collecting checks
> > from the corporate bosses to pay attention to the corporate crime wave
> > that looted and drained trillions of dollars from millions of workers,
> > their retirement and small investments? Will you tell them that the
> > cowardly Democrats, who couldn't win the fewer elections they are now
> > not losing without the labor vote, won't even mount a determined drive
> > to repeal the notorious, union-blocking Taft Hartley Act?
> >
> > How can you be free to be what you are, or to depress Bush's vote, to
> > jolt into consciousness the moribund Democratic Party?
> >
> > Hey Dude, join your real buddies! The ones you may be thinking about
> > just don't fit either your message, your vision, or our website
> > VoteNader.org.
> >
> > Come back home Michael. The workers and the youth of America are looking
> > for you.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Ralph Nader
> >
> >
> > P.S. Will you put this invitation on your website and see how your fans
> >      react to Michael Moore returning to the Nader 2004 presidential
> >      campaign? Patti Smith will reserve a big singing spot, for you, on the
> >      stage for the customary finale, PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER.
> >
> >
> > Wednesday April 14, 2004
> >
> > Join the Call for an Impeachment Inquiry of Bush and Cheney
> > Help us Get Congress to Take Action
> >
> > You can help the call for an impeachment inquiry of President Bush and
> > Vice President Dick Cheney. Sign our online Petition.
> >
> >    http://www.votenader.org/get_involved/impeach.php
> >
> >
> > George W. Bush and Dick Cheney should be impeached for two reasons:
> >
> >    They led the United States into an illegal, unconstitutional war in Iraq.
> >    They misled the Congress and the American people with five falsehoods that led to war.
> >
> > All it takes is one Member of the House of Representatives to call for
> > an Impeachment Inquiry to start the process to investigate the two
> > grounds. If the House then votes by a simple majority for Articles of
> > Impeachment, the Senate would then undertake a trial of the President
> > and Vice President. They would only be convicted, and impeached, if
> > two-thirds of the Senate agrees.
> >
> > --
> > to December 13, 2000,
> > testimony by Frank Cilluffo, to the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary
> > Subcommittee on Crime, the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) " is heavily
> > involved in the European drug trade, especially in Germany and France.
> > French law enforcement estimates that the PKK smuggles 80 percent of the
> > heroin in Paris." Cilluffo is Deputy Director, Global Organized Crime
> > Program Counterterrorism Task Force at Washington, D.C.'s Center for
> > Strategic and International Studies.
> >
> > This same testimony reveals the Nepal Communist Party, ".turned to drug
> > trafficking for funding. Nepal serves as a hub for hashish trafficking in
> > Asia." The CIA Fact Book lists Nepal as a major source for heroin from
> > Southeast Asia to the West.
> >
> > The South Asia Terrorism Portal wrote of the Nepal Communist Party: "The
> > Maoists (Nepal) draw inspiration from the 'Revolutionary International
> > Movement', among whose affiliate is the American Revolutionary Communist
> > Party that provides them their ideological sustenance. Observers have
> > noticed striking similarities in the policies and guerilla tactics adopted
> > by the Maoists and those of the Shining Path of Peru.. Maoist violence has
> > already cost Nepal several hundred lives and destruction of property worth
> > millions of rupees. In 1996, the year the insurgency commenced, 82 people
> > were killed. This figure included insurgents, security forces, personnel and
> > civilians. During the next year, total killings came down by half - 38
> > people died. The following year, in 1998, after the Maoists intensified
> > their program of violence, 408 people were killed - nearly an elevenfold
> > increase in the number of deaths over the previous year. Ever since, the
> > death toll has been on the rise. By late 2000 the death toll has risen to
> > over 2,100. As of August 2002, nearly 5,000 lives have been lost to the
> > insurgency "
> >
> > Shining Path sent congratulations to RIM for its first anniversary in May of
> >
> >
> >
> >

All opinions and comments in this message are my own,
and are not on behalf of any or all of Indiana
University in any way.

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