In soc.culture.british John of Aix <> wrote:

> <> a ecrit dans le message de news:
>> In soc.culture.british flora macdonald <> wrote:
>> > (MatthewOutland) wrote in message
>> >> Politics aside, why do so many people view french society
>> >> cynically or
>> >> with contempt?  I've never been to France or met any French so I
>> >> don't
>> >> know whats so special here.   Just curious, that's all.
>> > It happens everywhere. The Japanese have contempt for the Koreans,
>> > the
>> > Germans for the Poles, the English for the Irish (Paddys), the
>> Thanks for the PC crap, flora, but actually, it is the Irish
>> ('Paddy' is a racist term of abuse, btw)

> Dear oh dear my Uncle Patrick, Paddy, must have suffered so.

Only if he accepted you were related :-)

>> who are steeped in
>> loathing and contempt for the British.  Irish people live
>> quite comfortably in the UK, but British people are not allowed
>> to live in Northern Ireland ("Brits out").

> British people are not allowed to live in Northern Ireland, strange,
> an
> awful lot do.

Despite the wishes of the Irish Republicants.

>> Irishmen vent their
>> hatred of the British in s.c.b. on a regular basis.  I am thinking
>> of Grieg Carlin, Diarmid Lorgan, ad hoc genus.  Check the Google
>> database.

> And? There are several milllion people in Ireland not to mention the
> Irish Diaspora.

and they all hate the Brits.

>> > Australians for the English (Pommies). So in England the French
>> > are
>> > "frogs". The bad habits always belong to the foreigner. Back when
>> > the
>> > word "condom" was unmentionable in English it was a  "french
>> > letter",
>> > in France it was "un chapeau anglais".

Q. Why does General de Gaulle have Greek letters on his hat?
A. Because he'd look stupid with French letters on his hat.

> (I know it wasn't you who said it) It's 'une capote anglaise'


  From: "harmony" <>
  Subject: Re: Indian woman dies on husband's pyre
  Message-ID: <>
  >I am proud to be a member of mommedan parliament.