Re: Dead Laptop
cmos battery died.
"Big John" <> wrote in message
>I have been running my Toshiba M--35X-S239 for just a little over three
>years (which puts it ou of warranty) and today when I opened the lid to
>turn it on, the fan came on and I got the bar across the bottom indicating
>that it was coming out of hibernation, then it suddenly stopped, the screen
>went black and the fan turned off. The power button still shows that it is
>on, and the lights across the front are all on, indicating a full battery
>and tha the computer is on - but nothing else.
> I tried to turn it off by closing the lid, but that doesn't work, Then I
> tried to turn it off by holding down the power button - but it won't go
> off!!
> Only way to turn it off is to remove the battery!
> Any ideas on what I may do before I take it in to the "Geek Squad". I
> think their standard price is about $90 just to open it up then the
> charges for repair.!!
> I might think that it was a bad screen, but it was good and "strong"
> before today, and the fact that I can't shut it down without removing the
> battery makes me think it may be the power control software. Warranty is
> out by a couple of months!! Grrrrrr!!
> Big John
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