Re: Tokyo-->Osaka sportscar rental
Give me 5 different ways an old Japanese man could pronounce your name.
"Michael Cash" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 7 Oct 2003 11:01:53 -0700, "Bryce"
> <> belched the alphabet and kept on
> going with:
> >It doesn't take 12 years. Just a month of driving, a couple tickets, and
> >it's pretty fucking obvious how to screw the system. And if you can
> >it, I don't see how in the hell someone can't see a ticket as a user's
> >it is in any other country. Pretty fucking inept, or just plain stupid.
> Well not all of us have the benefit of having been here a dozen years,
> so it is a relief to know this. As you no doubt have already noticed,
> I can be a really dense fucker, so could you do me a favor and briefly
> outline how to screw the system?
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