Re: Some Basic Questions - Correct
"Rudolf Polzer" <> wrote in message
> Scripsit illa aut ille Michael Wignall <>:
> > All of Asuka, Shinji and Rei are shown around the 4-5
> > year old mark during the series in my opinion. Shinji
> > when his mother "dies", Asuka when her mother "dies"
> > and Rei-001 when she "dies".
> That's a connection - note that not only Rei I dies in that
> scene! Could it be that the relation between 2nd, 3rd and
> their mothers was like Rei I's relation to Akagi?
I don't think so. I personally don't see _any_ relation between
Naoko and Rei-001 other than Naoko killed Rei-001. I don't
see _any_ relation between Naoko and Eva-00 either. Naoko
was a computer scientist, she worked on the Magi, she wasn't
and Eva scientist, she is _never_ mentioned working on the Evas
directly like Yui and Kyouko are.
Michael Wignall
"Tomorrow's just an excuse away..."
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