American World Dominance in
*   the 21st Century", by George & Meredith Friedman, 1996, ISBN 0-517-70403-X
*   McNamara's revolution built on an idea that was central to operations
*   research and propounded by many nuclear strategists, that war was not
*   methodologically distinguishable from economics. The process whereby you
*   analyzed, managed, and controlled an economy was not essentially different
*   from the way you managed a war, except that one was an economy of produc-
*   tion and the other was an economy of force. The principal underlying both
*   was the doctrine of efficiency: maximizing the benefits received from the
*   efforts and expenditures---a cost benefit analysis.

Cyberneticians hope to use their capabilities for the
betterment of the human race, of which they are a part.

They are not naive when it comes to the government and politics, either.

*   "The Rise of the Computer State", David Burnham, 1984
*   Norbert Wiener, the MIT professor who is generally c