Re: If japanimation isnt that popular in japan......
In article <d9t7u0$mth$>, says...
> "Vernon North" <> wrote in message
> > "American high school students have a poorer mastery of basic math
> > concepts than their counterparts in most other leading industrialized
> > nations, according to a major international survey released yesterday."
> (etc. snipped.)
> Doesn't American high school education tend to be more broad than in other
> countries? European countries tend to specialize much earlier. The same goes
> for universities, I believe.
Is that why so many educators and others in the US are upset about the
poor levels of English and Math literacy in US schools?
> Anyway, the level of American science is number one in the world. So common
> sense tells us that the education system must be doing something right.
You mean the kind of common sense taught in the US school system? I
think you should do your homework. Google on this a bit and you'll be
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