In article <>, says...
> In fact, in my real life, I have met many chinese people who tried to
> get close to me by sharing their anti-Japan & anti-Caucasian sentiments.

This differs from my experience.  I have never heard a Chinese person 
make such remarks about Japanese, but that may be because I am Caucasian 
and they don't want to expose anti-social attitudes to me.  

I know from experience that the Chinese culture lacks the strong anti-
racist value we see in North America (as does the Japanese culture), but 
I still find your statements tar all Chinese with a very broad brush.  
Not all Chinese think that way, but your statement doesn't go far enough 
to make that clear. How do your remarks differ from the sharing of anti-
Japan & anti-Caucasian sentiments of which you accuse Chinese?
> Everywhere they go, these chinese people seem to spread hatred, to the
> point that you almost understand why Japanese had to be so aggressive
> during the WWI and WWII toward the Japanese.  
Another racist moron oozes out from under the rocks, this time disguised 
as an anti-racist!  According to you, the Japanese imperial attacks on 
China are justified because the Chinese made nasty comments about the 
Japanese???  Does that mean the Chinese would be justified in raping and 
murdering you for your anti-Chinese sentiments? 

Bwaaahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!  What kind of a moron are you, 
anyway?  Please post a picture so I can put you on my dartboard!  
