In article <UjnCa.25810$>, says...
> As for Unit Zero Zero, There are two things that we have to keep in mind,
> it's original and it's soul. Zero Zero's body is made directly from Adam
> (thus the name of the Evangelions, called EVAs, and EVA is Eve in german)

"Evangelion" is a Greek Orthodox name for the Gospels.  However, given 
the use of German throughout Evangelion, it might be more appropriate to 
draw the connection to the German word 'die Evangelien' (with 'das 
Evangelium' referring to a single Gospel).  It could therefore be said 
that the Evangelions are seen by their creators as being the new 'Good 
News' for mankind's survival.

However, the Adam-Eva connection is still a valid point.

"Remember when we said there was no
 future?  Well, this is it."
     - "Max Headroom's" Blank Reg