"Declan Murphy" <declan_murphy@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Michael Cash wrote:
> > It's very similar to the thing of Americans getting pissed off when
> > Japanese just *assume* they're American.
> I didn't know sepponians got pissed off when Japanese just assumed the
> sepponians are sepponians. I thought it was the non-sepponians who got
> pissed off, especially since its not just the Japanese who assume they
> are sepponian, but also the sepponians who assume that all the gaigin
> they meet (even here on not-quite-usenet) are sepponians.
> Or something like that.
> My head hurts.

Used to piss me off too when Japanese would just assume that I'm American or
that I speak English, even though I am and I do. I don't think it's too
unusual to not want to be the subject of someone's stereotypical
assumptions, whether they are correct or not.
