Hey Fajing  I sent you an email Just wondering if you received it.

"Fajing" <dianxue@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Email me - dianxue@gmail.com - I'll see if I can find you a better
> newsserver for now :p
> I have been looking for SoloSolo for AGES!!! Do you know how to
> rip/rar/split?? If not, let me know, I'll talk ya through it :p
> I dont think I have either of those cd's - I have Puffy (the first one),
> Spike, Illustrated History, Very Best of, Nice, and the Sunrise(?) single
> (3 songs). I have only in the last few months really got into Puffy - now
> theyve taken over my life hehe
> Anyways, do you have highspeed internet? If so, I'll start uploading
> video's as well
> Take care man, talk to ya soon
> -Fajing