Declan Murphy <> dixit:

>And its still pissing down, though I managed to drop into Kiinokuniya
>late this afternoon. They do have a "study in Japan" section, its
>adjoining the lesbian in Japan section (but only 1/3 the length). As
>with LP (I browsed their recent edition too) it doesn't even mention
>the student visa (instead refers to "cultural" visas) which suggests
>that it is a plagiarisation of an embarrasingly bad JNTO file
>translated into English in 1998. Both also mention that fees of "up to
>650,000 yen per year" might be expensive, so you will need to work.....
>which rules out at least 284 of the 301 accredited schools in Japan. Oh

Both LP and Rough Guide will note corrections and profess to include them
in updates.

Jim Breen
Clayton School of Information Technology,
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia 