
In article 
<56cfaa55-9708-4a60-ae85-03c772698038@d27g2000prf.googlegroups.com>, Declan 
Murphy <declan_murphy@hotmail.com> wrote:
>On Nov 22, 6:59 pm, pellicleund...@hotmail.com (Obakesan) wrote:
>> >I'll write it up straight away. Would I be allowed to watch cricket in
>> >the office?
>> ya think there'll be anything else on the proxy server (perhaps fed by
> dialup)
>> during a test?
>Might depend on who was playing I guess.
>Whenever India are playing cricinfo.com download speeds resemble 1997.
>When I was there, anything remotely hinting of current/imminent/recent
>Indian involvement meant productivity plumetted. Those were the happy
>days that get me all nostalgic for Injaa when reminiscing.
>All the other days sucked though.

*sniff ... sniff*


I do miss the chicken biriyani though.

See Ya
(when bandwidth gets better ;-)

Chris Eastwood
Photographer, Programmer               
Motorcyclist and dingbat

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