advice for japanese ability/living in the US/jobs/etc?
Hey guys,
don't post here too often but I lurk occasionally. Sorry, I know the
subject is a little disjointed...anyway, I'd appreciate some advice....any.
I'd say I have an intermediate ability in Japanese. I'm just about to go on
the JET program and I plan to get that ability as fluent as possible (if at
all possible) and then come back to the US and utilize that ability in a
How many of you here are "fluent" in Japanese or are close to it? Of those,
how many of you are living in the US, using that "fluent" ability for your
current job?
I originally wanted to do translation/interpretation, but I see that more
often than not, the qualification of speaking Japanese is not enough.
Companies and customers want translations/interpreters in specified fields
i.e. IT,OEMS, automotive engineering , etc. I'm just wondering if I come
back from Japan with a "fluent" ability, will it be impossible to get a job
or to preform translation work without specializing in a specific field? I
have B.A. in English which I know probably means nothing in the context of
this email.
Any advice? Thanks
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