Marvel <> dixit:
>Actually I was not  impressed with the Japanese service, rather surprised at 
>the way they did things.
>Like to get your car inspected they rob you blind. Unlike back home a state 
>inspection runs thirty bucks. Or  if any little thing goes wrong with your 
>car as in my sister in laws case I think she needed a radiator and they 
>suggested she sell it and buy a new car. I was glad to see the Autobacs 
>store open.

I think it's really shocking the way Japan does things its own way. I mean,
who do they think they are? After all there is a set of world class
standard practices for them to copy and they cussedly ignore them.

>It really freaks me out when we go out to eat and all order at the same time 
>but the food comes out at different intervals. (that seems to be a lack of 

Yup. Or worse still, bring everything at the same time when the Whole
World knows that the soup comes before the meat.

I'm reminded of a case discussed on soc.culture.france where a couple
of tourists from Wherever created a stink and wanted their money back
when what they were served as "filet mignon" wasn't the same as they
were used to back home. The bloody Frogs are as bad as the Japanese.

>Oh good lord I could go on and on...

Don't let me stop you.

Jim Breen
Clayton School of Information Technology,
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia 