Besides Final Fantasy XI / Final Fantasy Online for Xbox 360, Square Enix
has a completely new Final Fantasy game in the making for Microsoft's new

Square Enix showed off a teaser video for the future FF game at the 
Microsoft Xbox360
press conference just before the E3 show.

see it here:
Windows media,  view now -   320 x 240  (3.7  MB)
QuickTime, view now -  640 x 480 (15.2 MB)
QuickTime, download -  640 x 480 (15.2 MB)

Nintendo's President Iwata also stated at their press conference that Square
Enix was making a Wi-Fi version of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals for the

no Final Fantasy games were announced for the Playstation3, dispite the fact
that Square showed a non-game technical demo of the FF7 intro in realtime on