    I acquried a Satellite 2455-S305 that worked great except the hinges 
were completely worn. The screen would not stay in position, and would 
either fall all the way back or fall closed. Today, my replacement hinges 
arrived. I installed them, reassembled the laptop, and powered it on.

When the laptop is plugged in, the green light for the AC adapter comes on, 
and the orange battery light comes on as if it's charging the battery. When 
I press the power button, the power light illuminates, but nothing comes up 
on the screen. No beeps, no fans, the hard drive doesn't spin up, the DVD 
tray won't eject. I tried hooking up an external monitor with the same 

Originally I thought this might be due to the laptop thinking the screen was 
closed and going immediately into sleep. I assume that the p000347830 Sensor 
SW Magnet has something to do with triggering whether the lid is closed or 
not. But, the behavior is the same whether the fromt bezel containing the 
magnet is attatched or not.

Any ideas of things to try? Are there certain things the laptop will not 
power on without? Is there any way to reset the BIOS to factory settings?
