The Lethal Legacy of George W. Bush!

If you succumb to the temptation of using violence in the struggle… your 
chief legacy to the future will be an endless reign of meaningless 
chaos. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Funny, all this time most of us really thought it was a war. Early on, 
many of us marched in futile protests to prevent Bushco from starting a 
war. And when the bombing of Baghdad began, we joined people all over 
the world to express our helpless outrage at what surely seemed to be 
the waging of an illegal and immoral war. In fact, for more than three 
and a half years of unrelenting bloodshed and horror, millions of us 
have railed against what we understood to be a bloody and costly PNAC 
war against Iraq. But we were wrong.

The new truth is that the invasion and occupation of Iraq, from its 
premeditated start to any improbable finish, is not at war at all

Today, winds of change are in the air, and there is little doubt that 
the military strategy in Iraq will change. But it will not change 
because a war is failing. It will not change because people are dying in 
greater and greater numbers. It will not change because the course taken 
by this President was a crime against a sovereign nation and the 
greatest deception every perpetrated on the American public.

It will not change because the Democrats won the Congress or because Jim 
Baker and his Study Group have come to town.

It will change only when the President, with his extraordinary war 
powers may decide that it must. And it will change in direct proportion 
to the way he believes history will view him in the future.

In short, the debacle in Iraq is not a failed war that is a human 
tragedy of horrific proportions. It is one thing and one thing only: the 
war against Iraq is the sole act by which George W. Bush hopes to be 
remembered. It is his war, it is his chess game, and in his mind it must 
become his greatest legacy.


George W. Bush really believes that he can alter his destiny in the last 
two years of his presidency. He is convinced that he can call in the 
cavalry and turn his catastrophic venture into a magical success. He 
thinks that history will ignore the years that led to his ill-fated 
invasion and remember only whatever happens from here on in. He thinks 
that he will be judged by his illusory willingness to listen to saner 
voices and to consider more competent ideas. He truly believes he can 
morph his image from treachery to sainthood in the short time he has 
left in office.

His is totally delusional.

George W. Bush is losing it. He really may be oblivious to the house of 
cards that is crumbling all around him. He even may be unaware that his 
neocon handlers have abandoned ship and left him alone with the fiasco 
they steered him into. But he is fully cognizant of the calendar and he 
must be getting desperate. He will surely make an attempt to create a 
legacy that recognizes the man he wishes he could become. But he will fail.

No matter what happens in the next two years, George W. Bush cannot 
escape the real legacy he has earned through his own efforts. It is far 
too late for any more smoke and mirrors. Too much blood has been shed. 
Too many lies have been exposed. Too much incompetence has been 
displayed. It is far too late to sweep the first six years under the 
proverbial rug and turn the last two Bush years into some false paradise.

As much as George Bush tires to rehabilitate his legacy, It just isn’t 
going to happen.