Actually, I am a Falun Gong practitioner and I have personally been
persecuted by Jiang's thugs.  So, actually, it's not just an issue of Jiang
killing & torturing his own people.....  it's a persecution against US
citizens as well.

Did you actually read the resolution?  It mentions Chinese interference in
US affairs.  You must have read this wrong and just flip-flopped it.  Easy
mistake, considering how powerful Ministry of Propaganda is.  You know they
developed the "brainwashing through labor" program as well.....


"Harbinger" <> wrote in message
> Unwarranted interference in other's affairs. Another obnoxious display of
> "holier than thou" attitude.
> Their attention should more fruitfully channel to subject like police
> brutality against the blacks, genocide of Indians in Latin America
> "scott_in_CT" <> wrote in message
> news:uOU29.73149$
> > Photo Report: More than 20 Congressmen, State Senators and Other
> Dignitaries
> > Condemn the Brutal Persecution at the July 20 Washington DC Rally
> >
> >
> >
> > Also, on July 24th, the US House of Representatives passed (420 to 0)
> H.Con.
> > 188, a cease and desist resolution demanding that China stop killing and
> > torturing the non-violent, peaceful Falun Gong practitioners in China,
> > [stands in defense of US] "citizens and permanent resident aliens [who]
> have
> > been subjected to arbitrary detention, imprisoned, and tortured in the
> > People's Republic of China"
> >
> > Bill text -->
> >
> >
> > Vote tally -->
> > (420
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >