"Jverhey" <Jverhey@sc.rr.com> wrote in message 
> >We discussed this briefly in February. I think it might have been Mike
>>Cash who pointed out how in the internet forums you mention, he would
>>encounter foreigners (despite not having actually visited Japan)
>>seeking just about any way to live & work here, and claiming that they
>>would do anything to make it possible (with the sole exception of
>>getting a degree to make them eligible for a visa). People like the
>>drongo who answered your post ferinstance.
> >>Is there any pressing reason why you can't simply go back to school and
>>>get the required degree?
> I see these responses all the time and some people don't have the 
> financial ability to just simply pop back in to school and get a degree. 
> Some people are blessed with parents with means or are very lucky and can 
> get it paid for but most can't. You would think the supposedly educated 
> would learn and understand this and not look down their noses. Also 
> surprisingly there are a lot of Koreans in Japan they must all have 
> degrees and just really want to work in factories on the line.
> Do you ask these people if they have the ability to do this or possibly 
> assist them in showing them how to circumnavigate the paperwork, grants 
> and student loans to accomplish this or just make snide comments and look 
> down at them? The more educated we are gives us a responsibility to bring 
> others up to our level and not put them down.
Every effort has been made to point the op in the right direction but he/she 
just won't listen.(maybe short attention span)
In a previous matter the poster asked about a visa, the information was 
tendered and the op failed to read the information instead threading back 
with the same questions. (not the first time)
I agree with your point of helping others up and along but at the same time 
some seem incorrigible.
After so many times of bending over backwards trying to help evantually 
somethings bound to slip out.
Admittedly (blush) I blasted the op when he/she posted lots of inflammatory 
name calling posts.
My main objective is to learn more about Japan as well as share some fact I 
may know. But thats hard to do when the poster is initiating belligerent 
posts not to mention responding to an ongoing  thread with lude pedophiliac 
It's like I'm reading through a thread about something that is going on and 
BAM he/she drops a nasty inappropiate comment. (there are news groups for 
that sort of thing which this is not).
I further believe that when the op in question gets serious he/she will find 
the answers.
>> Anyway, the above points inspired me to take Japanese, which in turn is
>> why I want to live in Japan...
>>>I'd suggest that you get inspired "to take English" in order to be
> Another sarcastic remark on what sentence structure. If I have the choice 
> of a precisely built house or a finely engineered product or a well 
> written document guess which one has the least importance of the three. I 
> work for a $40 million dollar a year stair company the largest and most 
> successful stair company in the US and the philosophy of get your point 
> across and make it quick and get on with something that makes a profit.
> I understood exactly what he said and it would never occur to me to make a 
> comment like that. (Now if the two posters know each other and it was a 
> joke my apologies)
> Now I duly expect rude and flaming comments thrown back at me.