Re: [On-Topic] Anime !Explosion!
"Reverend Parson Peter Parsnip" <revereatmy@ngelicqualities.evilsatan> wrote
in message news:GOD94628B4A9092gotochurch@mass-at-11am-every-Sunday.orgy...
> Your sig is OK, but I'm going to override those followups as a warning to
> everyone not to mess with demon.local.
We'll mess with any demon we damn well please, local or out-of-town. We'll
even mess with international demons. RECOGNISE, BYOTCH.
I'm not impressed by giant breasts.
I think they're a mess.
But I digress.
The Eternal Lost Lurker
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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