"mea305" <mea305@aol.com> wrote
> I am a new member to this group, although I think that I have been on
> this list in the distant past.

Hello Me,
Maybe you were on the main mahjong newsgroup (the one that doesn't begin 
with fj.)
Nobody uses this one anymore - I even stopped posting the FAQs here, about 2 
months ago. Nonetheless, I imagine you ought to see the FAQs still listed 
here... do you?

> I have a very simple question. Years ago, I found the most simple of
> all Mahjong programs. It was easy to use, but, it did become more
> difficult to "conquer" as time progressed.  I have searched through the
> Internet and most, if not all, of the sites have the more advanced,
> sophisticated versions that cost a lot of money.
> Can anyoen direct me to the most appropriate site from where I might be
> able to download the program

There are lots of free programs out there, and all the "simple" ones are 
still there to be found.
If you want software that lets you play the 4-player game of mahjong, see 
FAQ 5.
If you want simple tile-matching software, see FAQ 12.
The Frequently Asked Questions are answered at the FAQs site: 

Tom Sloper - Game Development Consultant
- Sloperama Productions. Services for game developers and publishers; 
"Making Games Fun, And Getting Them Done." 
- Helpful information and answers for game industry hopefuls. 
- Information and bulletin boards about the game of mah-jongg. 