Sqwertz wrote:

> "Michael "Dog3"" <don'task@donttell.huh> wrote:
> > Harald Gentexeater <pipe_nurses@yahoo.com>
> > 4e71d40edaec@j38g2000yqa.googlegroups.com: in rec.food.cooking
> >
> >> So which food will make him gay???
> >
> > A lot of alcohol.
> That only works for fat ugly chicks.  And Louie Anderson.

Nope, a lotta straight guyz will lose their "inhibitions" after a few
pops...'specially the ones who never get any head from their girlfriends.

Stick with me, Steve, I'll show ya "the ropes"...you'll be turning tricks as
much as your hairburner fag admirer 'jay' does...

